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When Should You Get AC Maintenance?

According to the US Department of Energy, you can save up to 30% on your energy bill by scheduling regular preventive maintenance. This type of maintenance ensures your HVAC system runs at close to peak efficiency. That said, you may be wondering when the best time is to schedule AC maintenance. Here are some things to keep in mind.

The Best Time to Schedule AC Maintenance

The best time to schedule AC maintenance is usually during the spring. This is the perfect time to give your AC a test run because the weather outside is warmer. Winter is generally not a good time because your AC might be sluggish in the colder temperatures, and many people are heating their homes during those months, not cooling them. The good thing about spring AC maintenance is that it ensures that your AC is ready before summer is in full swing. That way, you don’t have to worry about AC repairs and breakdowns when the weather becomes too hot.

Signs You Need AC Maintenance

Although spring is the best time to schedule AC maintenance, you shouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with a professional if you feel that your unit needs attention. The biggest sign that your AC needs professional maintenance is when you notice an unexplained increase in your heating and cooling bills. This is a sign that your AC is not running efficiently. Sometimes, your AC unit may be running, but there are some issues that you may notice, such as strange smells and noises. Routine maintenance can easily take care of this problem.

When to Replace Your AC

During routine AC maintenance, your technician may discover signs that indicate it’s now time to replace your AC. Usually, this happens when your unit is more than a decade old and has experienced too much wear and tear. If you haven’t been religious about AC maintenance before, this might accelerate the demise of your unit, and you may need to replace it sooner. Soon after getting a new unit, the best thing you can do is schedule preventive maintenance. This will extend the life of your AC and reduce the need for repairs.

These are some of the things you need to know when deciding the best time to schedule AC maintenance. Now that you have all the pertinent details on hand, the best thing is to get in touch with us to see how soon you can set up an appointment.